Azel / アゼル
- ダウンロード商品¥ 3,800
A starn, cyberpunkish demon girl. An assassin with a big iron on her hip - part of a mercenary team. - 39,648 Tris - PC only (for now) - Performance: Medium with all features enabled. Good with all of them removed. - Expressions and Visemes Includes a working firearm and sunglasses - powered by toggles or contacts.
Requirements (VRChat)
Some degree of Unity knowledge is needed to use this asset. - An Avatar project made with the VRChat Creator Companion. - Poiyomi Toon Shader v8.0 - Crystal Shader by ねこのいる工房 It's recommended you import the shaders before you import the avatar assets.
Terms of Use
You may - Upload this avatar to your VR social platform or other games as a private avatar only (note that features are only developed for VRChat at the moment) - Use the avatar for sexual expressions (private only + content rating required) - Use the avatar for violent content (Content rating required) - Modify the avatar to suit your needs - Create original outfits for the character (you may sell these but only on their own, you must not include any of the original assets with the exception of the armature) You may not - Claim you made the avatar - Make this avatar public or put on a pedestal - Redistribute the contents of the package as-is or any modifications of it for sale or for free - Use the avatar in any commercial projects - Use the avatar for religious or political activities You must credit - If the avatar is used for broadcasting You must contact - For use in corporate or commercial ventures. - For use in publications (electronic or otherwise) - For use in tangible goods - For integration into software such as product development These terms may change in the future. I, the creator of the Avatar, retain full rights to the character and their design.
To "grab" objects on the avatar you'll need to have your hand close to the item then form a "fist" gesture. You can grab your sunglasses from your left hip and the gun from your right hip. Once grabbed, you can equip the sunglasses by bringing them close to your head and doing the "open palm" gesture (try not to bash your controller into your headset! The contact zone is very generous to help prevent this). You can remove them again by grabbing them from your head and releasing them by your hip. For the gun, you can grab it from its holstered position with your right hand. Once held, you can shoot the gun by keeping a fist gesture and pulling the trigger. Once the gun runs out of ammo, you can remove the battery pack on the bottom of the gun by bringing your hand close to it. Pull the battery pack away and bring it back to the gun to reload it! You can holster the gun by bringing it back to your right hip.
Sound Credits
Uses the following sounds (This work is not endorsed by any of the below artists.) Camera Click NIKON by Snapper4298 Edited by me and distributed under the CC by 4.0 License SCI-FI Weapon Shot (Dry) by gerainsan Distributed under the CC by 0 license. Arming a Sci-Fi Gun by jackolous Distributed under the CC by 0 license.
Update History
28th Jan 2023 ============= - Added LilToon material variant. Make sure you have LilToon 1.3.6 or later installed in your project before including these! Note that the liltoon variants do not support the animated cyber eye - Added some colour variants of the costume, skin and hair. Planning to include a PSD/XCF for each in the future. 3rd Dec 2022 ============ - Fixed an issue where pistol contacts weren't switching off properly 2nd Dec 2022 ============ - Initial release! Planned updates: --------------- - A PSD file with color layers split up - Better texture optimization - Its taking up 74MB of Vram live and that seems too big to me for what the avatar has on it. - A base model that you'll be able to use to make new costumes with. Known issues: ------------- - Gun acts a bit odd if you reload it while it's full of ammo - Gun is difficult to holster if you disable the gun while it's in your hand - The states are not currently resetting properly. Reset your avatar to fix this. - The gun battery may de-sync for other players. It's a visual bug and doesn't impact the functionality of the avatar but will be fixed in the future. - There's a peaking audio bug that occurs when shooting/reloading. This is a VRChat bug.